Lifestyle Company SEO Success

Overview From May 2023 to April 2024 we executed a comprehensive SEO campaign for a client in the lifestyle industry. The campaign delivered significant improvements in organic search performance, driving notable increases in traffic, visibility and overall search...

Manufacturing Company SEO Success

Overview We recently took on a targeted SEO campaign for a client in the manufacturing industry. The work resulted in a 72% increase in organic traffic and a 92.8% increase in the number of organic leads Year on Year.   Initial Analysis and Strategy Development...

Beauty Company SEO Success

Overview Beanstalk Digital executed a comprehensive SEO campaign for a client in the beauty industry. Over six months, the campaign led to significant improvements in organic search performance, resulting in a 266.2% increase in organic sales, 237.3% increase in...
Healthcare Company SEO Success

Healthcare Company SEO Success

Overview We undertook an extensive SEO campaign for a client in the healthcare industry starting from January 2024. The work resulted in a 83.2% increase in organic traffic and a 124.4% increase in the number of organic leads Year on Year.   Initial Analysis and...